Introduction: Pocket Sized: Key Ring Crocodile Bottle Opener

It might be an Alligator, not a Crocodile.... you can decide what yours will be. ;-)

Need a bottle opener, that's also stylish, and fits in your pocket along with your keys, make this!

If you like this, please vote above. danke! =)

Step 1: Tools & Material

What you'll need:

Hacksaw (metal saw)
Drill +drill bit
(Optional) Etching tool


Some metal, I used some scrap steel 4-5mm thick

Step 2: Get Your Pattern...

This was what I used as a template. If you want to use it, just click the "i" in the top left corner, and download the largest version.

btw, the original idea was to make a Gecko key fob... it didn't turn out quite how I expected, so I did this instead. ;-)

-Print it out, (or trace it :-) ) then cut it out.
-Cut your metal into a rough size.
-Trace the pattern onto your metal. (I etched it)

Step 3: Hack It!

Now cut along your tracing with the hacksaw, I also used a bench grinder for a few parts.

Patience is useful. :-)

Step 4: Smooth the Edges

After you've cut all the excess metal off, it'll probably pretty rough, get a metal file (I was using a bigger small file, and a small file) Keep going all around until it's smooth.

-If you want you can also add some "teeth" =)

Step 5: I Want to See!

To add some character to it, drill a hole, obviously near the head. ;-)

-then another hole (I made it a little bigger) at the other end for a key ring &c.

Put it on your keyring, or attach some cord to it, hang it up somewhere, Enjoy!