Introduction: Polish Your Drum Set
okay so polishin the set wont make it sond beter and no it wont make you eny beter, but it will make it look grate and you dont need enything speshal...just some house stuff
Step 1: Supplies.....
youl need...
1. car wax
2. spunj
3. rag
4. 409
6. your kit
1. car wax
2. spunj
3. rag
4. 409
6. your kit
Step 2: Starting Of
first youll need to spray windex on all of the shel and rub it in till it shines. now take the spunj and barle wet it. dip it in the car wax and rub it in sircles on the shell.let it dry.
Step 3: Shinin Up
take the rag and scrub the shell till you cant see the car wax. now spray on the windex and rub it til it shines. DO STEPS 3 & 4 ON ALL DRUM SHELLS!!!!!
Step 4: Simbals
use 409 to cleen off the symbals.
Step 5: All Done!!!
now that youv finished the shell you shud only have to do it about every 6th months. simbals.....hole nuther story. just polish as needed.
firt instructubl plees rate =)
firt instructubl plees rate =)