Introduction: An Introduction to P-R-P. 'Poor Man's Rapid Prototyping'. Let's Build an IRobot Keyring.

This is a tribute.
A Thank you.
Dedicated to all people who selflessly experimented, tried, failed and succeeded. They who created instructables so other people may learn and gain by it.
And a thank you for creating a place to make all this possible;
This instructable therefore is for instructors and modders, builders and fixers.

You will find it helpful in many situations I trust.

I have used this methods and materials, described inhere for many years to fix, build, mod and stick things. Many-a-time getting me out of troublesome situations.
When you break something that has to be right. Now.
This is what you do...

Step 1: Main Ingredients, Equipment and Safety

This took me the whole day, but then again. I am not a hurried person.

The main ingredients is this;

Aka Super glue.

Sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Aka Baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate.

Secondary stuff you need for this instructable directly.

Key ring.
Cheap pins X2.
Some newspapers.
Printed Irobot.
File/grinder/bench grinder or dremmel.

Things you will probably need.
Things you will probably lose.


a Fan blowing lightly on you, from behind
and work outside if possible.
a Leather apron is recommended.
Try and avoid denim jeans or bare skin work.

The glue reacts with the powder making very nasty invisible fumes that should be avoided at all costs.
Noses and eyes are very sensitive to it.
You will make the mistake only once.
When super glue touch denims or overalls, it becomes scorching hot, smoking sometimes even.
It will also melt into your skin when combined with denims.

Step 2: R U Baboon?

This is all hypothetical.

None of this should be tried at all.

Step 3: Gather Them Thingy's

Read the entire instructable.
Gather wits, items, courage.
Then only, shall you proceed.

Step 4: First Layer

Add a nice thin layer Bicarbonate of soda. (henceforth to be referred to as powder.)
Flatten it with the credit card.

Step 5: Glue It

From one side add drops of glue, saturating the powder.

Step 6: Second Layer

Start adding next layer asap.
The idea is to sprinkle powder over the still slightly wet glue. It will absorb the rest of the glue and continue to build up.
Keep sprinkling until it looks dry, Take care not to heap it up to thick.
This is also the start of the next layer.

Step 7: Continue Buildup Until Nice and Thick

Continue building it up for thickness and integrity.

Step 8: Cut It Out

File/grind whatever.
Make it smaller.

Step 9: Build Up Some More

Use paper pieces to build the sides up nicely.

Step 10: Make It Flat

Start grinding or sanding it flat to show imperfections.
Build up the imperfections and flatten it again.

Step 11: Add the Key Ring

First, tape the ring with the plastic or masking tape. Its so to glue don't stick to the ring. It must be able to rotate to work nicely.

Step 12: Some Detailing

Add detailing where it must be built up some more.
Flatten back side with ring.

Step 13: Continue Builtup of Detailing

Add the antennae.

Step 14: Build Up; Build Up; Build Up.

Build it up some more.

Step 15: Detailing and Refining

Add detailing, use a dremmel and start working out the detailing and finer points.

Step 16: Detailing; Detailing; Detailing

Put the rest of the details in, and cut it with dremmel.
Can use dremmel to carve out relief and add extra detail.

Step 17: Splash Some Paint on That Thingy

Paint it and your done!

One good quality, acrylic / heavy plastic feel-alike Key holder.

This stuff works wonders to fix things, fill holes and more.

Can be filed to high quality finish.
The thinner you build layers, the higher quality item you get.
Its stronger then you would think.

Workshop Contest

Participated in the
Workshop Contest

Manly Crafts Contest

Participated in the
Manly Crafts Contest