Introduction: Pop Bottle Minnow Trap

Hi, I just wanted to let you all know this is my first instuctable, but I think you will enjoy it. A minnow trap can be used to trap small fish to use as bait or even in a survival situation you can eat the small fish.

Step 1: Materials

You will need
- two 2-liter pop bottles of any color
- a good sized strand of string or thin rope
- tape or glue (I used tape but glue would do fine)
- a hole-puncher
- and a pair of scissors 

Step 2: Disassembly

Well The first thing you should do is take the wrappers off the bottles and twist the caps off also. The next thing you're going to do is cut the top and bottom of the bottles off. The last thing for this step, hole-punch the center pieces at the bottom(this is for the string to pull the trap back in)  You won't need the bottoms for this project but I would save them because you never know what you might need them for.

Step 3: Assembly

The first thing in this step is put the centers next to each other with the holes you hole-punched in the center.Then put one side of the string in one hole and tie a know so the string can't slide back through. Do the same with the other end of the string through the other hole you punched. Now put the top part of the bottles on the inside out on the outside ends of the center pieces. they should fit pretty snug in the ends, if they don't, don't freak just tape them in as I did with the right side. Now the last step, put the edges of the center pieces together and tape it down the middle. Your finished trap shouldn't have any holes in it except where the caps used to be. To use this just submerge the trap in a shallow  water hole with small fish either hold or set trap and make sure it fills with water. The fish should swim in and not be able to figure out how to swim out. Wait then pull out trap to retrieve fish. You could put small pieces of bait inside beforehand to up your odds. Goodluck!