Introduction: Popsicle Stick Holder

About: This is my fishy Speedo the beta fish! Obsessions: Stuffed animals!!!!!! Fish, the ocean, ski racing, raspberries, art, any many more... Instagram Dagny.fishy.brickson
A nifty to use and old soup can!

You will need;

Soup can (du!!)

A lot of Popsicle sticks (double du!)

Glue gun and a lot of glue

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Step 1: Eat Soup! or Pineapples...

Eat! Yum yum

Wash out and remove cover

Step 2: Glue

Start gluing sticks on. At the end of gluing you might notice you have a space way to small for a Popsicle stick. To solve this problem, cut you stick to size and glue! I did not have this problem. :)

Step 3: Done

Thanks please vote!
Fishy <*)))))={