Introduction: Popsicle Stick Swiss Army Knife Prop

About: I'm trying to figure out how to be the best possible version of me. I work for Rotor Riot, a company that specializes in FPV Freestyle Drones.
Swiss Army Knife made out of popsicle sticks!

This is a Swiss Army Knife prop that YOU can make using only a couple of popsicle sticks (tounge depressor type).

NOTE: I do not know how to make the blades stop when fully extended. You can turn them until they hit the other side of the stopper. I did not have a Swiss Army Knife available while making this Instructable.

Please post a solution if you can.


You will need:

 - 6 popsicle sticks (wide type)

 - Superglue

 - Drill

 - Jigsaw (optional)

 - 1/2cm drill bit

 - Sandpaper 150 grit and 280 grit

 - Pen or marker

This is not a Step-by-step Instructable, so I'm hoping you understand the process from the image notes.

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