Introduction: Porcupine Pencil Holder
This little guy will happily hold your office supplies and look awesome doing it : )
Step 1: Tools and Materials
Chopsticks (30)
Wood Glue
All purpose glue
Walnut wood stain
Brush to apply stain
3 inches small gauge wire
Sculpey Clay
Color: White - Just under a half of the 1.75 pound package
Color: Chocolate - 3 ounces
Color: Hazelnut - 1 ounce
Color: Black - .25 ounce
Parchment paper
Cookie Sheet
Rolling pin (a wooden dowel works)
Wire cutter
Step 2: Cut and Stain Chopsticks
Cut chopsticks in half, sand as needed, and apply dark brown stain according to manufacturer's directions.
Step 3: Form Body and Feet
- Use the white clay to make the body and head shapes
- Roll out dark brown clay into about 1/4" sheets large enough to cover body and head
- Cover whole top of body with sheet of clay (cover head piece now as well)
- Smooth top
- Roll out 1/4" sheet of light brown clay - just needs to be large enough to cover 'belly'
- Cover bottom and blend dark and light brown along edges
- Ensure white clay is no longer visible
- Roll out 4 balls, about 1/2" in diameter
- Press down on each to flatten them slightly
Step 4: Create Head
Making the Head
- Start with head piece (now covered in dark brown clay)
- Take a .25 ounce of light brown clay, divide into three and roll out into flat circles
- Set 2 of the circles on what will be the face - they should be overlapping about 1/4" inch
- Wrap third circle around nose
- Smooth out all three circles
- Cut wire into 1/2" pieces (6)
- Using the black clay, roll out two 1/8" balls and one 1/2" oval
- Use a chopstick to make indentions where the eyes should go (I know this picture looks crazy violent)
- Place eye in each indention
- Place nose at end of snout
- Insert whiskers - 3 to a side
- Use a chopstick to make 1/2" hole in the back of the head (then remove chopstick)
Step 5: Chopsticks
One more step before baking. You just need to make the holes for the quills.
- Push chopsticks into back about 1/2" deep - Leaving about 1/4" between each hole Note: Try to keep depth as consistent as possible
- Make a 1/2" hole in the front of the piece (this will meet up with the hole made in the head piece)
Step 6: Bake Clay Pieces
Heat oven to 275oF
Bake clay 15 minutes for each 1/4" thickness. Remove pieces as they reach their baking time.
A book and cup of coffee may be additional materials needed for this step...
Bake clay 15 minutes for each 1/4" thickness. Remove pieces as they reach their baking time.
- Feet - 30 minutes
- Head - 2 1/2 hours
- Body - 3 hours
A book and cup of coffee may be additional materials needed for this step...
Step 7: Assemble
In the home stretch...just a little assembly...
- Put a dab of glue on each foot and set body on top
- Cut a 1" long piece off a chopstick
- Apply glue to each end of the chopstick, insert one end in the back of the head and attach to body
- A couple drops of wood glue to each hole along the back should be enough to secure the quills
- Allow to dry overnight