Introduction: Portable Battery Phone Charger

About: Tech geek. Maybe?

Charge your phone anywhere in the world with this awesome charger
have fun

Step 1: Materials

To make this charger you need the following items
1. Your spare mobile charger or usb
2. Cardboard
3. Switch
4. A battery dock
5. An old 9v battery with less power
6. Tape
7. Scissors
8. And glue

Step 2: Wires

Cut a part of your charger or usb
and strip the ends of the wire and make sure it dont have 3 wires inside it...

Step 3: Base

Connect your battery with the dock
then take a peice of cardboard and shape it like in the picture
the poke a hole on a wall of the cardboard with the help of a compaas and insert your wire in the hole and tape the battery inside the board......

Step 4: Assembly

Connect all the wires in series and if you dont know the negetive and positive terminal so connect the in any way you want the plug the dock in your mobile
and if it is not charging just inverse the wires.
After that tape one of the wire to the base and add the switch to the other wire and then tape the whole piece and there you go...............................................

Step 5: Tips and Warnings

Now main things last

dont charge your phone for a long time
and please use a old battery othewise the battery will become very hot and can give dangerous results
and if you want to change the battery just cut the tape with a xacto knife ,change the battery and enjoyy.............

Battery Powered Contest

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Battery Powered Contest