Introduction: Portable Electronics Workstation / Workshop

About: Brain of an Engineer, Heart of an Artist. I love building creative tech!
Hi , I Chitlange Sahas , Aging 15 , from India, here with a new instructable "Portable electronic workstation". I have designed this for the PORTABLE WORKSTATIONS CONTEST. Please vote for me if you like my instructable , you can see "VOTE" on the top of the page.
I frequently need the following things while making or repairing a circuit.
1)Soldering iron
2) Solder tin
3) Power Supply Unit
4) Screwdrivers and other tools
5) light source
6) wires 
7) breadboard
8) Fume Extractor
9)Extension cord

For managing all those things without creating a mess , I decided to design this portable unit which can be carried around easily.

Materials required :
1) 8mm Plywood sheet  ( I got some left over pieces from a furniture making shop)
2) tools ( Cutter saw , Manual wood plainer , Hammer. etc)
3) Adhesive 250 Grams
4) Hinges
5) Wall paper and sticking solution ( You can paint the box also)
6) Tools to be kept

Step 1: Design

The first step is to select a good design that meets your requirements. The photo given is my design,

Top        ---- 5'' x 24''

Bottom ---- 10'' x 24''

Back      ---- 10'' x 24''

Sides     ---- 10" x 10" x 11.2" x 5"

Door:     ----  9" x 24"

Step 2: Marking and Cutting

Now , get a wooden sheet ( new or from scrap) (my is 8mm ply from scrap) and mark the design on the ply.

Note : the measures should be very accurate or the whole unit will look odd.

Step 3: Ready for Nailing .

After the cutting of the wood its time to Nail the wood . Before nailing , One optional step can be done to plane the edges of the pieces with a planer so that they don't hurt. After planing the pieces , apply some adhesive and nail it.

Step 4: The Front Door

After nailing the four pieces , its the time for nailing the front door . For the front door we need :

Two Hinges

some nails


I took the small sized door and left some gap so that the door isnt too big to hit your head while working.

Step 5: Putting the Extension Box

For easy plugging of the tools ( like soldering iron , grinder, power supply , led driver etc....) I chose to add a extension box inside the unit. For this first we need to open the Extension box  ,  desolder the cord, and insert the cord through the gap , then again solder the cord to the box . A bit confusing? refer the pictures.

Step 6: Sticking the Wallpaper

Its the time to stick the wall paper . I bought the wallpaper from the nearby shop as samples. You can also paint it if you don't get the wallpaper roll. If you get the wall paper and you dont know how to stick , refer this site : , or browse on Google website. sticking the paper is very easy once you know the technique.

Step 7: Adding a Shelf

I wanted to add a shelf for keeping some things on it ( so that organising becomes easy) . First , we need to cut a plank of wood measuring 2 inches by 23 inches. Then add some nails which will hold the plank

Step 8: Door Holder

For holding the door upright we need to make a door holder like that of a car bonnet ( hood) holder.

Step 9: Keeping the Tools In

Step 10: Light Source

I made a light source with two 1W leds and a discarded mobile phone charger. see pics The light source was stuck to the door

Step 11: Finishing

Adding all tools and cleaning

Step 12: FINISHED!

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Portable Workstations Contest