Introduction: Portal Pendant

About: I just like to make things. I dabble in a lot of mediums and usually don't like to spend money on parts, so most of my work is made with leftover materials. I love different forms of storytelling, and have a g…
"You did it! The weighted companion cube certainly brought you good luck!"

If you're anything like the test subjects of the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center, you never want your Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube to leave your side. That's why I made this Companion Cube lucky charm. After the cube was finished, it didn't seem right just hanging off a string. I decided it needed something proper holding it up. The Aperture Science Hand-held Portal Device was the obvious choice.

The cube itself is air-drying clay and a paperclip painted with acrylics. The gun is a piece of a BIC pen covered in clay and staples.