Introduction: Post-it Cube
Step 1: I Need....
1. 6 post-it notes
2. Some time
Step 2: Get Started!
1. Take 1 post it and fold it in half as shown in picture 1
Step 3: Next I...
Next, line the bottom point up with the top edge. Do the same on the other side.
Step 4: Same Thing!
Basically do the same as step 3, bring the bottom edge up to meet the top on both sides.
Step 5: Open It
Open it up like in the piccture.
Step 6: Triangles
Fold the diamonds at the top in half.
Step 7: Triangles.. Again
Fold the triangles into RIGHT triangles. The side should not face the same way.
Step 8: Frustration
This is the hard part. Fold the flaps over each other as in the puctures
Step 9: Fold It!
Fold the triangles back to make a square
Step 10: 6 More
Repeat steps 2- 9. You may use different colors if you like.
Step 11: The Cube
This is hard to explain. Try to follow the pictures.
If you have questions please feel freeto ask. This is my first instructable so give me constructive critism.