Introduction: Post-it Note Cookie Recipe

About: I'm Dan, hobbyist and maker of things.

Want a recipe? Not so fast. Here's a story about my great-grandmother and how she left this recipe in her will for me, and the 6 months I spent in Italy that taught me these 27 rules about cooking.

I'm kidding, but that's what most recipes on the internet make you read before you get to the actual ingredients list. It's a pain. The authors do it for the advertising money - more scrolling = more ads = profit.

Even once you get to the recipe, you have to go back and forth to know how much of each ingredient you need to put in at each step.

Here's a better way: Post-it Note Recipes. Exactly the same end product, but with none of the spam.

If you need extra guidance, read ahead for photos and steps.

Step 1: Butter and Sugars

Follow the post-it recipe. 125g of melted butter, 200g of various sugars. It doesn't really matter what sugar you use, experiment a bit and fine-tune to taste. Using darker sugars adds some extra flavour to the end product, although too much will end up overpowering the chocolate. I find 50:50 works well.

Mix them up and taste it. It's delicious.

Step 2: Egg and Vanilla

Follow the post-it. 1 egg, no shell. Some vanilla extract - put as much in as you need. If you have good quality stuff, you won't need much. 1 tsp should do.

Mix them all together. Taste it if you trust your eggs.

Step 3: Flour Power

Follow the post-it. You get the idea by now.

225g flour. If it's not self-raising flour, then add a teaspoon of baking powder. It gives the cookies that crinkled ridge effect once cooked.

If you're experimenting, try using wholemeal flour. Advertise them as healthy cookies. On second thoughts, maybe just stick to plain flour?

Mix. Taste. Delicious.

Bonus: Make these extra chocolatey by adding 25g of cocoa powder at this stage.


Follow the post-it.That's the point of this instructable.

250g of chocolate. Any sort will do, but again, try experimenting. Also you don't need the full amount, alternatively maybe you need extra. Try it, mix it up a bit.

I usually use 3 different types of chocolate. Firstly is the "chocolate flavour" drops. These will melt in the oven, and give plenty of taste, but more of a smear of chocolate colour. The rest are dark and white chocolate chips, these hold together when cooked and add tiny chunks of that chocolate texture.

Mix them in. Taste it. Or eat it all, I'm not judging.

Step 5: Bake!

Guess where the instructions are? That's right. Read the post-it.

If you managed to not eat the entire batch of raw dough, well done. Now bake for 7 minutes, at 200°C. If you want them crustier, cook for longer, of course.

Note that the post-it doesn't specify how small to divide the portions. Well, who am I to say how big your cookies should be? Play around, make a giant cookie, make shapes, see what you can do.

For ease, use a baking tray non-stick liner, or at least grease-proof paper.

Step 6: Serve and Eat

Eat them. That's why you made them, right?

Once they're out of the oven, leave them on the baking tray for a couple of minutes, they will harden up enough to scrape off with a spatula.

Now there are a few options:

  1. Place on cooling rack and save them for later
  2. Eat immediately
  3. Serve with ice cream (highly recommended)

Let me know how your cookies turned out in the comments.