Introduction: Potty Training Aid
Having trouble motivating your toddler while potty training them? Well, I have the answer for you, the Potty Training Aid. After each time your toddler uses the potty correctly they push a button to celebrate their accomplishment. The Potty Training Aid will play a song and light an array of lights. This is a can be a little tricky to set-up, but if you take your time you will be able to complete this project.
Step 1: Materials
Ardunio Uno
USB Cable
15 Male-Male Jumper Wires
9 - 330 Ohm Resistors
8 - LEDs
1 - Push Button
1 - Piezo Buzzer
Computer & Arduino IDE download at
Step 2: Hooking Up the Components
Connect the materials as seen in the pictures above.
The piezo buzzer is much larger in the digital diagram.
Helpful Hints:
The Piezo Buzzer is polarized and can only be connected to a circuit in one direction.
The LEDs are also polarized and can only be connected to a circuit in one direction. I found it helpful to have all the LED anodes facing the same direction.
Step 3: The Code
Step 4: The Finished Product
Time to test your finished potty training aid. If everything is set up correctly the 8 LEDs will light up quickly and then a song will start to play.
Step 5: Resources
HelloTechie. (2014). SIK Experiment Guide for Arduino - V3.2 [website]. Retrieved from