Introduction: Powerful Mini Crossbow
This is a very small but powerful miniature crossbow that can be used in classroom battles when the teachers aren't looking or just to shoot at people to see their reaction. Please do not leave any rude comments, criticism is okay and questions are accepted and replied to as soon as I can.
Step 1: Materials
1) Five Toothpicks
2) Two Paperclips
3) One Rubberband
2) Two Paperclips
3) One Rubberband
Step 2: Tools
1) Pliers
2) Hot Glue Gun
3) Scissors or Sharp Knife
4) Scotch Tape
2) Hot Glue Gun
3) Scissors or Sharp Knife
4) Scotch Tape
Step 3: Assembly
Hot glue two toothpicks together side by side. Next, next hot glue one toothpick horizontally to the bottom of the first two. Cut one toothpick in half and glue to the rear of the base and glue the other half to the front of the base like the picture. Cut one paperclip in half and bend into an "N" shape to act as the bolt guide. Hot glue this to the front of the base.
Step 4: Assembly (Continued)
Bend one paperclip into a trigger similar to the one in the picture. Hot glue the trigger piece to the end of the base. Cut a rubberband in half longways to make it thinner then cut to desired length (depending on how strong you want it to be). Hot glue the ends to the tips of the horizontal crossbar.
Step 5: Make the Bolts
Cut the tip off one end of a toothpick then tape the end with scotch tape like the picture. You can make as many as you like and you can fashion a quiver.
Step 6: Your Done
You know have a working crossbow.