Introduction: Pringles Golf Revamped
Having read the previous pringles golf ideas. We decided to revamp the hole and put in some ideas of our own
Step 1: Collect Your Materials
- Pringles Can
- Ruler
- Markers
- Scizzors
- Clay
- 3 Manilla folders
- Staples
Step 2: Cut the Brim Off the Pringles Can
Step 3: Draw a 1 Inch Line Around the Bottom of the Can
use a tape measure or bendable ruler to draw a line one inch from the bottom of the can
Step 4: Draw Dots 1.3 Com From the Bottom and Top of the Can
draw your dots on the line one inch line from the bottom of the can.
Step 5: Connect the Dots
connect the dots to form straight lines which you will cut upon.
Step 6: Cut It Up!
cut along the lines making sure to stop at the 1 inch line.
Step 7: Fold It.
fold down the strips to form the support base for your hole.
Step 8: Time for the Skirt!
cut the top off of 3 manilla folders then cut each of the folders in half.
Step 9: Rearrange the Skirt.
place each manilla folder piece around the hole to allow a nice smooth gradient up to the hole.
Step 10: Staple the Skirt
Staple it to stay in position.
Step 11: Clay Time!
put a ring of clay around the base of the hole. This gives it mass so it wont move every time you hit it.
Step 12: Fasten the Skirt to the Hole
You can use extra clay, staples, or whatever else you want to fasten the skirt securely on the hole.
Step 13: Enjoy It
Go play golf! Have fun!