Introduction: Prof. Inkling's Useless Easter Bonnet

About: "I see things that aren't there yet"

Inspired by the 'Useless Box' this project uses an Arduino Uno to control 2 small servo, the code picks a random servo/arm (tentacle), and moves it by a random step-size, to a randomly selected angle. pRNG is seeded in setup() with some noise from an unused pin, so we get a different play sequence each time this monstrosity is switched on.

Tentacles are from eBay (search: "finger tentacles"), they have been given a coat of the metallic paint leftover from my Steampunk'd goggles 'ible; Bowler[1] hat also from eBay.

Project features 3D printed servo arms and frame to hold servos into hat. Files for those to come.

There should be a video of it in action here:

proving that some Things are better left in my head.

Music is, of course, by Abney Park.

Arduino code is here:

[1] Known as a 'Derby' in the USA.