Introduction: Program ChipKIT DP 32 With Arduino IDE
What you need: A ChipKIT DP 32 microprocessor (all cords included) and a laptop
- To program a DP 32 without a programmer device (Chipkit PGM), i.e. with arduino IDE, it needs a Memory Resident Program; first step is to upload this Memory resident program called Bootloader on DP 32.
- Install MPLAB X IDE on you laptop or computer.
- Download and extract (unzip) the Bootloader
- Create a new project > Microchip embedded > Prebuild (Hex, Loadable Image) Project
- Browse the extracted bootloader file from downloads as the Prebuilt Filename
- Select 32-bit MCUs (PIC 32) > PIC32MX250F128B
- Select ChipKIT programmer as the hardware tool
- Name the project, set it as main and hit finish
- Click "Make and Program Device Main Project" to upload the .Hex file to DP 32
- Download and install (If you don't already have it) the latest version of Arduino Software which will be used to program the DP 32 microprocessor
- Install the ChipKIT core within the Arduino IDE by going to File > Preferences > Settings > Additional Boards Manager URLs:
- Paste this URL into the Additional Boards Manager URLs:
- Click OK, go to Tools > Board > Board Manager menu, search for ChipKIT and install the ChipKIT Core
- Now your Arduino IDE is ready to program DP 32 and your DP 32 is ready to get programmed without a programmer device
- Create a new file from scratch or use the existing examples in Arduino IDE to program the ChipKIT DP 32 Microprocessor