Introduction: Programming With Arduino : Introduction

Progduino is a free program for Arduino users. Progduino built to help Arduino users who want to build their own computer software that could communicate with Arduino In a really simple way.

Enter the site and download the software for free :

Step 1: Creating a Window and a Button.

Enter to arduino code editor and enter the following code.

void setup()




void loop()


void ProgduinoRunOnce()


Serial.println(F("WindowSize; width:800; height:600"));

Serial.println(F("CreateButton; width:200; height:75; top:50; left:10; fontsize:16; name:button2; text:click me;"));


Run Progduino.

Step 2: Create a Simple OnClick Event

Enter to arduino code editor and enter the following code.

void setup()





void loop()



void ProgduinoRunOnce()


Serial.println(F("WindowSize; width:800; height:600"));

Serial.println(F("CreateButton; width:100; height:50; top:10; left:10; fontsize:12; name:button1; text:click me;"));

Serial.println(F("OnClick; control:button1; showmessage:my message;"));


Run Progduino