Introduction: Proper Lock Releasing Etiquette
In this lesson you will be taught how to properly release a locked door using nothing but the key that fits it.
Step 1: The Find
Tools and Method:
What will be needed to complete this task successfully is a key, a lock which fits that key, and a helping hand.
1. Find the proper key according to the lock.
Step 2: The Placement
2. After the completion of discovering your keys you must place the proper key in between your thumb and your index finger.
Step 3: The Alignment
3. You now must approach the door which has been locked. With a very precise hand. Aim the tip of the key towards the opening of the lock with the teeth facing the proper direction.
Step 4: Its In
4. After aligning the proper key with the lock opening, insert the key until it can go no further.
Step 5: The Twist
5. After the key has been completely inserted into the lock, hold it firmly between you thumb and index finger, while simultaneously twisting your hand clock wise or from the nearest door jam(depending on lock) until your hear a pop.
Step 6: The Pop
6.After the pop has been heard you must push the door (or pull it depending on the design of it) firmly.
Step 7: The Release
7. After the final push or pull has been completed you must release the keys allowing for the door to maneuver on its hinges. This completes my lesson on the proper etiquette of lock releasing.