Introduction: Pumpkin Drink Tap

This is an inexpensive drink tap for a pumpkin, great for Halloween or other fall parties.

Step 1: Pieces

This tap will require the following:
- 1/2" 90 degree elbow
- 2 x 1/2 pvc pipe 1" long
- 1/2 " pvc valve ( I picked this style because it was slightly less expensive)
- 1/2" screw

Step 2: Clean the Pumpkin

Cut off the top of the pumpkin as if you are going to carve it and clean it out really well.  make sure to rinse out any excess bits to prevent them from clogging the spout.

Step 3: Step 1

Use a piece of 1/2" round PVC pipe and a hammer to drive a hole horizontally near the base of the pumpkin.  Make sure to get into the inside cavity of the pumpkin.

Step 4: Tap It

Push hard on the PVC screw and twist it into the hole in the pumpkin.   I tried to just use a piece of pipe pushing in the hole, but it leaked and was not very secure.  Next push together the rest of the pieces.

note: you may choose to glue all the pieces together to ensure no leaking

Step 5: Done

Fill the pumpkin with your prefered brew and call all of your friends.  The recipe we used is below, it was great and guests liked it.

2 parts apple cider
2 parts ginger ale
1 part spiced rum