Introduction: Pumpkin Pie Scented Cloud Dough | Sensory DIY

About: I'm a 5 year old girl who loves to DIY! My idol is Alton Brown and I want to be just like him! I started my own channel to share my crafts and treats with everyone so I hope you guys like it! I've been really…

This Pumpkin Pie Scented Cloud Dough is a fun and cheap sensory craft! It smells so good and it's super fun to play with! You can tweak the amount of oil to your liking!

Watch the video to see the tutorial! Check my other instructables for the DIY Pumpkin Pie Spice and the DIY Powdered Tempera Paint Powder!

Full description on the YouTube video page:

Find me on FB/IG/Twitter: @DIYwihOllie