Introduction: Pumpkin Spice Buttermilk Biscuit

About: Hello welcome to my profile , I'm an electrical engineer, painter. My hobbies include gardening, baking, crafting and trying different things.. instructables is a good place to show case it

Hello Everybody,

We have entered fall season, this season is famous for many things Halloween, Christmas, holiday season and its my country too big holidays are yet arrive in upcoming months.. Last but not least another fall season famous item is "Pumpkin"

So many recipes can be made with pumpkin... sweet, savory, pies, cake, drinks and fluffy biscuits too.

In instructable you are gonna learn how to make biscuit that is not too crunchy, little chewy but not like cookie. A new extravagant tasting recipe, with very few ingredients and easy to make.

Step 1: Ingredients

1) All purpose flour / Maida - 1 Cup

2) Sugar - 2 Tbsp

3) Baking powder - 1.25 Tsp

4) Salt - 1/4 Tsp

5) Baking soda - 1/4 Tsp

6) Cinnamon powder - 1/2 Tsp

7) Clover - 1/4 Tsp

8) Chilled Butter - 1/4 Cup Butter chunks cut in small cubes

9) Pumpkin puree - 1/2 Cup

10) Butter milk - 40 ml or 2.66 Tbsp

11) Vanilla extract - 1 Tsp

Step 2: Bake Your Pumpkin

Inorder to obtain 1/2 Cup of fresh pumpkin puree, bake about approx 300g of pumpkin in oven at 200 C for 30 mins, you'll know your pumpkin is baked well by following signals

1) Water inside pumpkin comes out like gel.. literally, but not all water content

2) Pumpkin skin looks burnt

3) When you poke with fork, it should slide right in without any resistance

4) Skin should easy peelable, Overall it will be mushy

Step 3: Golden Yellow Puree

Once the heat is cool down, add pumpkin to blender and blend well, it will be a smooth paste with little sweet in taste.

Mean while add sugar and cloves to blender and blend it , remove the coarse particles

Step 4: Let's Make Dough

Sift all purpose flour, add cinnamon powder, grinded sugar & cloves, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk all dry ingredients together. Add buttermilk, pumpkin puree, vanilla extract and finally the butter cubes.

Step 5: Sticky Dough

Don't use hand beater, better wear gloves and start mixing with hands, butter starts to melt by hand warmness and combines well with dough. Definitely your dough will be sticky. Dust the area and take your dough out of the vessel and knead it gently. It will be very fluffy, like touching a rised yeast dough.. lot of air in it.

Step 6: Keep Rocking.. I Mean Rolling

Once you have coated outside it will no longer be sticky, take a roller (flour dusted) and roll the dough, once you have rolled out evenly for like 0.5 cm thickness, fold it three times.

Step 7: Still Rolling

After folding, roll again.. add little flour in between so it doesn't get struck on roller, repeat this process for like 5 to 6 times. once done take a cookie cutter or round glass and make your cut outs.

Step 8: What's the Beautiful Smell..yummy

Line the parchment paper and bake the .. If you are using microwave oven preheat the oven to 200 degree, bake them at 200 for 12 mins. They will risen up and it will be very soft and fluffy but not spongy. Its little different thing and this is my first time baking these. I wish instructable had a way to record the smell and post it :P, cause it was real awesome smell.

Step 9: Thank You

Jar it and eat whenever you want, best accompanied with tea or even slice it up add butter and jam and enjoy.

Thank you for coming this far, i hope you liked this instrucable

All suggestions and comments are welcome, would love to hear from you.

Adios !!!