Introduction: Python - Filtering Lowercase Words/Elements From List

About: Occupation: tech support
def filter_lowercase_from_list(list):
    # set up internal list
    ListInsideFunction = []
    for element in list:
        # Check to see if the element has all lowercase letters
        if element.islower():
            # If all are lowercase letters, append element to list
    return ListInsideFunction

LinuxList = ["antix", "mxlinux", "gentoo", "Debian", "mint", "Kali", "LXLE", "manjaro", "Arch"]
print ("LinuxList is:", LinuxList)
print ("========")
# Call the function and place results into variable LowercaseElements
LowercaseElements = filter_lowercase_from_list(LinuxList)
print ("The lowercase elements from the LinuxList are:", LowercaseElements)