Introduction: Quadratic Formula Program for TI-83, 84 Calculators

About: I like to tinker around with old electronics and see what I can make them do, other than the usual puff of smoke. I do Computer Repair, Networking and C# and C++ programming. Currently studying Computer Scienc…
Make math class a bit easier for you! Quadratics are useful in the real world and help solve many problems, but why should they make problems for you when you want to solve them? Well here my friends is an answer: The QuadForm Program!

What you will Need:

     -  A TI-83 or 84 calculator (silver edition, plus, it all works)


     - A little patience 

First let's go over some basics

Your TI - 83 - 84 uses a programming language called TI-BASIC and as the name says, it's a basic, simple programming language that is easy to write for short programs, and requires creativity to create complex programs. You can write programs on your calculator and run them directly. 

To Program a calculator there is a button called: PRGM i will point it out in a picture, basicly after you have opened the Program maker and editor, you will push this button to access a list of commands that your calculator understands and we can put them together to make programs.


Step 1: Open the Gates to Programming!

Let's get started!

The pictures are marked so that you can follow along on your calculator

This part is about Creating a New Program

Step 2: Time to Program!

Here is the code to plug into the calculator it will go: CODE and then i will tell u where to find that command it will be divided between code and where it is

Here's the Code that goes into the Calculator:

:Input A
:Input B
:Input C
:If X
Disp "No Real Answer"
: Leave blank and press enter for next line
:Disp Y,X

Step 3: Try It!

And there you have it! A Quadratic Equation solver! Its great for checking work on problems!

Enjoy and i will write some games, other math equation programs and so on!

Thank you!


P.S the ? you get when you open the program is normal, it's asking for the variable A, then B and finally C