Introduction: Quick Last Minute Bloody Tooth-Picked Wound SFX
In this project you will now how to make a quick last minute SFX tooth picked wound. Enjoy.
Step 1: Materials
Here is what you will need for this project:
A tissue or paper towel.
Tooth pick.
Dick Blick Block Printing Ink paint (red).
Makeup sponge.
Step 2: Towel
First, put a towel over your finger/thumb.
Step 3: Small
Next, put a small bit of paint.
Step 4: Spreading
Then spread it a little bit.
Step 5: Should Look Like This.
Your bloody wound is not done yet, but should look like this so far.
Step 6: Tooth Pick
Split your tooth pick into two pieces.
Step 7: Adding Your Tooth Pick
Now your going to just going to push the tooth pick (non sharp side) onto your wound. if it does not stick, you can add glue/hot glue (be careful). You can even add the other half on the bottom.
Step 8: Done
There you go. Done. This is what your quick prop may look like if you copied off this project. You can even add a little bit of water drops to moist your prop. Or even if you have some fake blood, put a little bit on. Do what ever you want. This was just and idea, and was not meant to be perfect. I hope you enjoyed.
See my other instructable: