Introduction: Quick Wire Tripod

About: I'm a software engineer who tries to stay away from the computer when I'm not at work.
While working on another instructable, I found myself in urgent need of a tripod to photograph my work. In about 10 minutes I was able to throw together this one.

Step 1: Assemble

I found a nut and screw that fit the camera in a jar of spare parts. I then gathered together about 6 ft of 12 gauge solid copper wire (housing wire), and 3 crimpable ring terminal connectors.

I cut the wire for three legs, crimped on the ring connector, and tightened them on to the screw.

It's great in that the wires can wrap around things to hold up the camera. However on the downside, the camera tends to bounce a little bit if you aren't careful. Also I don't expect it to last very long but it works great in a pinch.