Introduction: Quick and Dirty Shuriken (Throwing Star)

About: I'm a high school student who loves making and hacking stuff!

Are you tired of watching Ninja Turtles and want to do some nija-ing yourself? This project is for you!


This is a sharp, dangerous object. Handle with extreme caution and only throw at a throwing target.

I am not responsible for any injuries caused by this weapon.

Use at your own risk!

Step 1: Get the Stuff You Need.

1. 3 utility knife blades

2. bolt and nut

3. pliers and screwdriver

Step 2: Put the Bolt Through the Hole.

Step 3: Add the Other 2 Blades With the Cutting Edges in the Same Direction.

Step 4: Add the Nut.

Step 5: Batten It Down.

Step 6: When You're Done...

When you're done having fun with your new throwing star, loosen the bolt and fold up the blades!

Great Outdoors Contest

Participated in the
Great Outdoors Contest

Hand Tools Only Contest

Participated in the
Hand Tools Only Contest

squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Participated in the
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest