Introduction: RC Generators

About: weeeeee wooooo

In this build we will show you how to make a generator with an RC motor.

Step 1: The Base of the Build

You will need a piece of cardboard for the base. the recommend size is 7x7 inches.

Step 2: Motors

The preferably size motor is a 220 any thing smaller won't work

Step 3: Wire

The wire is to turn the drive shaft on the motor. Number 24 or 30 wire will do.

Step 4: Light Bulb

the light you will need is a 1.5 volt 25 mA for generator

Step 5: Last Step to Make the Generator

last but not least wrap the wire counter clock wise of the drive shaft of the motor.

Step 6: To Power the Light

Connect the light to the two little tabs on the back make sure to twist the light wires around the tabs