Introduction: READY 2 GO Emergency Porta Potty
Sometimes you just can't dig a cat hole*. And as the title suggests...this is an EMERGENCY porta potty. I bring it for my kids when we go places that don't have porta potties or if the porta potties are too gross to even consider. All the parts are in your house right now probably. You may never need it but it's nice to know it's there if you do.
*cat hole - a hole dug in the ground to relieve one's self in...covered with dirt afterwards, much like what cats do
*cat hole - a hole dug in the ground to relieve one's self in...covered with dirt afterwards, much like what cats do
Step 1: What You'll Need...and Why...
plastic grocery bags WITHOUT HOLES:
This is your toilet plain and simple...concerend about a leak? That chili cheese dog was a mistake? You've held it for an hour? Double the bag.
absorbent material (paper towels are best):
This is to soak it up...yes, soak it up. You don't want a giant pee (or other stuff) balloon to toss away.
sanitary wipes and/or toilet paper:
I'd say this is obvious but this is, use these accordingly.
Sealable bags (like Ziploc brand):
This is if you feel a bit self concious about tossing the grocery bag solo. And to be honest, tossing the used Ready2Go is just like tossing a soiled diaper. It's gotta be done.
Since you may very well be using the Ready2Go in your car you may want to add odor spray to your pack. "In my car?!?!" you say! Well, yes. If you can't dig a cat hole then that means there are probably other people around. You want your privacy, right? Right. I use this for my kids to use in the car. Yes, in the car (hence the odor spray). We have tinted windows so no big deal. Let us not confuse "in the car" with "driving in the car", all right? This is not a mobile operation.
And if you don't already carry some, hand santizer would be nice.
This is your toilet plain and simple...concerend about a leak? That chili cheese dog was a mistake? You've held it for an hour? Double the bag.
absorbent material (paper towels are best):
This is to soak it up...yes, soak it up. You don't want a giant pee (or other stuff) balloon to toss away.
sanitary wipes and/or toilet paper:
I'd say this is obvious but this is, use these accordingly.
Sealable bags (like Ziploc brand):
This is if you feel a bit self concious about tossing the grocery bag solo. And to be honest, tossing the used Ready2Go is just like tossing a soiled diaper. It's gotta be done.
Since you may very well be using the Ready2Go in your car you may want to add odor spray to your pack. "In my car?!?!" you say! Well, yes. If you can't dig a cat hole then that means there are probably other people around. You want your privacy, right? Right. I use this for my kids to use in the car. Yes, in the car (hence the odor spray). We have tinted windows so no big deal. Let us not confuse "in the car" with "driving in the car", all right? This is not a mobile operation.
And if you don't already carry some, hand santizer would be nice.
Step 2: How to Use I Need to Tell You This...
All right...I shant go into detail...suffice to say you get several layers of paper towels and set them in the bottom of one of the hole free grocery bags. Keeping the grocery bag open you'll need to aim. Yes, aim. Worried? Just think of what'll happen if you miss. That ought to help with the aim. If you're wondering where the image is for this step...I couldn't convince either of my kids to pose.
Anyway, Ready2Go works for either #1 or #2. After using the Ready2Go, wipe, pull up your pants and tie a knot in the receptacle bag. Or, tie the knot's up to you. If you feel the need, place receptacle bag into one of the sealed bags...seal...toss into a garbage can. Again, it's no worse than tossing a soiled diaper.
And please, feel free NOT to let me know how it works for you. I've got kids. I've seen it all.
Anyway, Ready2Go works for either #1 or #2. After using the Ready2Go, wipe, pull up your pants and tie a knot in the receptacle bag. Or, tie the knot's up to you. If you feel the need, place receptacle bag into one of the sealed bags...seal...toss into a garbage can. Again, it's no worse than tossing a soiled diaper.
And please, feel free NOT to let me know how it works for you. I've got kids. I've seen it all.