Introduction: RFID-blocking Duct Tape Wallet.

About: What do you call a spoon, knife and fork? a...... SPIFRK! Meaning of life right there.

You are walking along in the mall, and suddenly a man in a grey hoodie bumps into you. You, being the polite person you are, disregard this simple bump and forgive the man as he apologizes. As you walk away, you check that nothing is missing from your wallet and your suspicions are confirmed...... Nothing is gone. Three months goes by, and you get your monthly credit card bill. You skim through the paper and something is wrong, you never bought $200 worth of video games! You quickly run and grab your last two monthly bills and you have a sickening feeling in your stomach... On the bills are multiple items you didn't buy. Computers, phones, tablets! Then it dawns on you.... The man in the grey hoodie was no ordinary crook. He was a high tech cyberspace, RFID wielding hooligan!........ You have been swindled.

This is gritty reality. It happens to hundreds of people around the globe. But with this functional/minimalist wallet screw over those RFID-wielding hooligans and feel safe on your OWN shopping spree.

Step 1: Supplies

1. Duct-tape (for outer wallet)

2. A pen (marking)

3. Scissors (cutting)

4. Aluminum tape (RFID-blocking)

5. Aluminum foil (RFID-blocking & base of project)

6. A ruler (measurements)

7. An old card (for measuring card size)

8. Some velcro (for closing the flap)

Step 2: Aluminum Foil Marking and Cutting

1. Get a large-ish piece of aluminum foil & place your card on it. (pic 1)

2. Mark .5cm around the whole card excluding the bottom bit.

3. Flip the foil upside down, and repeat step 2 for step 3.

Step 3: Cut Foil.

1. Cut on lines and fold over. (Cut the lines that you drew last step)

Step 4: Aluminum Tape

1. Get 2 pieces of aluminum tape that are slightly bigger then the foil that you cut and lay them on so that .5cm is overhanging.

2. When they are on, CAREFULLY peel the tape AND FOIL off the table.

3. Fold the overhanging bits over and check to see if the card fits. (pic 4)

Step 5: Duct-tape

1. Cover the whole outside in duct-tape. (.5cm overhanging)

2. Fold the .5cm over.

Step 6: Closing the Pouch Up

1. Fold the card holder in half and close with a strip of duct-tape.

2. Close the bottom with another strip.

Step 7: Top Flap

1. Cut a piece of foil- 9cm high, 7cm length.

2. Cover the foil in duct-tape, leaving .5cm out for folding.

3. Fold that .5cm over.

4. Put a strip of duct-tape on a smaller end.

Step 8: Attach the Flap

1. Attach the flap with a strip of tape. (or 2)

Step 9: Velcro

1. Cut two 5cm strips of velcro, and put one side on the flap.

2. Put the other piece on top of the velcro and fold flap down.

Step 10: End Product

All in all it was a pretty good build. If I were to do it again, I would have used coloured duct-tape to give it some ''spunk."

- It can hold 10 cards.

- It is RFID-blocking material. (aluminum)

- It has a very sturdy construction.

- It has a minimalist look.

So upon making this, your cards shall be safe and sound!

Happy making, and remember to vote!


Step 11: Extra Photos (if You Need Them)