Introduction: RGB Tutorial

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The following tutorial will contain all the necessary step to create an RGB LED project. There will be a image of all required materials, then there will be a step by step process with images followed by the code given in a form that allows you to copy and paste it straight into the coding software. In addition, to insure that all aspects especially the code are being used correctly a short video clip will be provided!

Step 1: Required Materials

Here is an image of the required materials:

*A laptop with the Arduino software is also required.

Step 2: Building Process

Step 1 : Place 3 potentiometers in the center of the breadboard

Step 2 : Take a wire and place it in- front of the forward leg of the potentiometer, then attach the cable to A1

Step 3 and Step 4 : Repeat step 2 for the other two potentiometers by connecting the wire from the leg to A2 and the other from the leg to A3

Step 5 : Place a wire into a negative square and place it into the right leg of the potientometer and then take a another wire and attach it from a positive square to the left leg of the potentiometer.

Step 6 and 7 : Repeat step 5 for the other two potentiometers

Step 8 : Take a wire from a positive square and connect it to port GND

Step 9 : Take a wire from from a negative square and connect it to port 5V

Step 10 : Place the LED under the previously used wires

Step 11 : Connect a wire from port 11 to a square near the edge yet close to the LED

Step 12 and Step 13 : Repeat step 11 using ports 9 and 10

Step 14 : Connect the resistor from the previously used wire to the 1st, 3rd and 4th leg of the LED

Step 15 : Finally, connect a wire from the second leg of the LED across the breadboard to a negative square

Step 3: The Coding

Below is the code that you can copy and past straight into the arduino software...

void setup() {





// put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: analogWrite(9, analogRead(A0)/4);

analogWrite(10, analogRead(A1)/4);

analogWrite(11, analogRead(A2)/4); }

Brief Explanation:

This is a very simple code that can be explained easily through making connections between the short code. It starts of with explaining the 3 OUTPUTS which are 9,10 and 11. This links to the building process as plugging the wires into the ports was one of the last steps. After that 3 similarly structured lines are placed there which basically explain to the Arduino that for each output here is a set port. For example, the first one states that for port 9 to read from A0. This is exactly the same with the other two lines however diffrent outputs and ports and that is the end to the code.

Step 4: Making It Work All Together!

Lets take a look at the final product and how it all works together..