Introduction: ROV Submarine

The ROV Submarine Project was put in place to test the class on their knowledge and what they remember over the period of the semester. I look back at this project and i can single-handedly make a perfectly working control box without thinking twice because this project was all about learning from your mistakes, i had to redo a switch 3 times for me to get it to work right, and i burned off part of my hair every class because i was too focused on the suturing and it took many many tries to get the suturing just right. But saying that it was overall a great experience were i learned how to make my own control board and have a working ROV Submarine.

Step 1: The Planning

First start by brainstorming ideas of what you want your ROV to look like at the end and what materials you want to you use.

Some materials which will be useful are:

1. Goop

2. Black Box

3. Wire

4. Switches

5. Pipes

6. Suturing Gun

7. Suturing metal

8. Batteries

9. Plastic (printing)

Step 2: Starting the Control Box

Grab a black box and make 3 holes for the 3 switches to fit (make sure your holes aren't too big or too small just the right size)

1. Black box

2. Switches 3x

Step 3: Continued Control Box

Plug in your suturing wand and then cut 6 pieces of wire (3 white & 3 red) about 2 cm long and strip their ends and put them into a crisscross pattern

Step 4: Continued Control Box

Using your suturing wand sutur the wires into place and make sure they are tight and not moving which will help you have a more stable control box. then cut more wires about 6 cm long (3 white and 3 red) and hook them along the middle loops as done so in the picture then going back in with the suturing wand sutur then into place. then using your battery box use the red wires and connect it with the white 6 cm wire loops and the black wire with the red 6 cm wire loops

1. suturing wand

2. 6 pieces of wire

3. Battery box

Step 5: Continued Control Box

Then grab your 20 feet long wire with the 4 colourful parts and strip about half a cm off their ends and suture the orange one to the first loop on switch one and the swirly orange one to the second loop on switch one and go on with 2 more colours.

1. 4 sets of wire (in the 20 feet long wire)

2. suturing gun

3. 20 feet long wire (4 colourful wires inside)

Step 6: Continued Control Box

Then on the other side of the 20 feet long wire strip 8 inches off and connect the wires to the motors using the suturing gun as so done in the picture above then cut 3 pieces of pipe and try to hallow out the middle so the motor can fit in better then place the motor into the pipe and glue the exposed metal areas with goop.

1. 3x motors

2. the 3 colourful wires for the motors

3. Goop

Step 7: End of Control Box

By following these steps your control box should be done and the motors should be working forwards when you press the top button and going backwards when you press the back button. If so you have a working ROV control box.

Step 8: Printing ROV

Brainstrom a few ideas of what you want your ROV to look like at the end. I wanted something modern and class and simple.

Step 9:

First start by getting the YZ plane and draw a circle about 4 inches wide and then extrude it 1 inch

Then make a circle in the middle of the 4 inch circle and extrude in going the other way (making your object look like a donut) then fillet all the sides which will give your object the classy simple look

Then on the XZ plane on the X axis start a new sketch about 1.1 inches away from the donut on the XZ plane draw a circle 1.1 inches of diameter and extrude it 1 inch and then make another circle in the middle of that 1.1 inch circle but this one a little bit smaller with a radius of .65 inches and extrude it going the other way.

Then connect the the extruded piece to bigger main object (donut) and then mirror the process which will make your right and left circles identical

Then finally fillet all the edges (which rounds the figure) for a more classy soft look.

Then export to print your figure.

Step 10: Bringing It All Together

Finally after your ROV has been printed take off the excess plastic and bring your three motors which are put in the 3 pipe pieces and but the 3 motors in the 3 wholes and then goop or hot gun glue them.

After your goop has dried take your ROV out into the water and test it out.