Introduction: RS Woodcutting Guide

About: Roses are red Violets are blue If you don't like Motorhead I will kill you. I basically like all rock.
In this guide i will show you the best ways to 99 Woodcutting!

Step 1: 1-20 Woodcutting

Cut normal trees till 20 woodcutting. This should take 40 mins if your quick.

Step 2: 21-35

Cut Oaks till 35 Woodcutting.

Step 3: 36-50

This is where Woodcutting gets exiting! Cut Willows till 50.

Step 4: 51-70

Yes, this this will take ages. it takes the longest too. cut Maples till 70 or if your not a member cut willows till 70.

Step 5: 71-99

Ok... This is the longest one of them all. yews till 99!

Step 6: Map for Willows

This should help for the willows.