Introduction: Race Car
This project is a RC car modified to can be controled by an microcontroller to can be drived by itself.
The scope of this project make the care able to run in a circuit bounded by reflective lines.
Step 1: Materials
1: An old RC car.
2: Servo Motor.
3: DC motor.
3: Servo driver.
4: H-bridge to control the DC motor.
5: 4 x Line sensors
6: 12V battery for the motor (I use 9V + 2 * 1,5V).
7: 6V battery for the servo (I use 4 * 1,5V).
8. 5V battery for the arduino (I use a portable battery).
9. Microcontroller (I use Arduino Uno)
10. Some plastic gears to make the conections between the motors and the car's gear system.
11. Glue.
Step 2: Construction
First of all you have to find a way to change the car's motors with your to be controled easier.
The back motor of the car can be used with the a H-bridge. I didn't use it because with the weight of the car with all the components, the motor didn't work. So I use a bigger one with a gearbox.
I use a servo to control better the direction of the wheels.
Step 3: Wiring
We conecte the batteries to a switch and after to the components like this:
1: 12V battery -> H-bridge
2: 6V battery -> Servo
3: 5V battery -> arduino and to all the components that need the same Vcc Voltage to run (all the drivers)
4: Conecting all the signals cables to the microcontroller following the datasheet of the driver. From the h-bridge I use the enable and dir pins, from the servo the signal pin and from the sensor the output pins.
Step 4: Software
For this project I use Arduino IDE with CPP code.
Step 5: Code
Make functions that controls every driver separatly with one or more parameters.
Write functions that reads the sensors input.
1: setServo(Angle);
2: setMotor(Dir, Speed);
3: readSensors();
Until now I can control this functions with a joystick. The next step is to implement the algorithm that will make autonomous.