Introduction: Radiant Energy (Nikola Tesla)

About: Self taught in all subjects i deem to be of use and importance to me If i can help people with their projects, i will, so feel free to ask questions. i have a group called "free energy and electronic projects"…

Here is a simple yet rewarding radiant energy project that is good for the beginner level hobbyist.
i wont go into to much detail because their is so much more to radiant energy that just sticking a plate in the air and the ground, then seeing what is in between...say the use of ion valves in the radiant circuit :O
but back to basics, you will need a flat metal surface preferably shiny, polished, and as big as u can get (within reason, we all started with a small plate)
if u cant get ya hands on a nice metal plate u can always make a plate with tin foil and clingfilm to insulate the plate.
OK we have a plate, now we need to arrange a good ground.
This usually consists of a copper pipe hammered deep into the ground/mud or a plate buried.
the grounding rod does not have to be copper, all tho but it is the best metal to use other metals will work fine (and the ground plate/rod should not be insulated and it helps if the ground is it ..good :D
OK so now we have a receiving plate and a ground plate/rod. on the premiss that your plate is insulated and ready to go and ur ground is a good one you will now work on the component side of the circuit.
a bridge rectifier is employed the make sure what ur cap is getting is DC if any AC charge appears as i have witnessed in my experiments. Once the bridge rectifier is complete its time to pick our capacitor to be charged.
in my opinion their is no point sticking on a huge cap as the radiant charging process is not exactly fast so start off with a nice 50v cap with a nice hi farad rating.
ok we have the bits and now we are ready to hook it all up.

1 connect the receiving plate to the bridge rectifier as shown in the diagram
2 connect all negative outs the grounding rod
3 connect the positive out from bridge to positive terminal of capacitor
4 connect the negative terminal of the capacitor to ground rod
5 stick multimeter in the capacitor and watch the charge rise :D