Introduction: Radio Controlled Helicopter Testing Stand

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I found this old ceiling fan on the side of the road.

I took it apart and opened the motor. I removed the stator so the rotor would spin more freely...

Step 1:

I then cut a hole in a piece of plywood so the bottom of the motor would fit in. I then made up the sides so as this would form a base,...

Step 2:

I then made up a sort of clamp where the pole used to fit. I was going to use the original pole but was made of plastic and may not have been strong enough. I had some old tent poles which fitted the hanging bracket but even with the bracket tightened right up the pole still wobbled, so I needed to strenthen it...

I had to find a way to make sure the pole was vertical before drilling the holes for extra bolts. My router table and a spirit level did the job.. 

Step 3:

I used the piece ply I cut out earlier (to fit motor in) over the top of the poles to hold everything up. I used epoxy to hold it there.

I them made the top platform and fitted a block of ply to it with a hole for the small pole to fit in.

I put a small cup hook in to attach the platform to...

Step 4:

I fitted a short piece of chain to the small pole. I hooked this onto the cup hook in the top platform. This gave me a flexable joint so if the helicopter got airborne It could react to the controls without getting away....

Step 5:

I fitted a clamping device to hold the helicopter down.

Step 6: Watch Video....

There is it doing what it is supposed to...

Watch video,,,, HERE...