Introduction: Raft Action!

Here's a raft I made a couple years ago to navigate the toxic waters of the Chicago area when i lived there. There are a couple holes in my documentation of building this, I didn't know about instructables at the time, so if you are unclear about anything let me know and I'll try to edit it.

Step 1: Cutting the Pieces.

So I found these three 4X8X2 Extruded Polystyrene sheets in a dumpster, the ends were all raggedy and busted so I cut them down to six feet long. Good luck finding your sheets in a dumpster however, I've never found this many relatively full size foam sheets anywhere ever again...sorry to say. Anyway, cut them up into one foot wide sections.

Step 2: Glue That Shit!

Check out the notes.

Step 3: Let It Sit.

Check out the notes.

Step 4: Well This Is Just Plain Unecessary!

Check out the notes.

Step 5: Cut That Out.

Check out the notes.

Step 6: The Wooden...things.

Check out the notes.

Step 7: More Wooden...things.

Check out the notes.

Step 8: Make Believe This Is a Real Boat.

Check out the notes.

Step 9: Make Your Raft Into the Merrimac.

Check out the notes.

Step 10: Nice Raft, Sort Of.

Check out the notes.

Step 11: Done.

Check out the notes.
The S.S.Bear-Audrey on her maiden voyage, do you sense another plot hole? It's true, I didn't take any pictures of building the deck, you could just put a big piece of plywood on there, I made my piece so it would fold and sit in my car.

And thus ends my first Instructable, thank you for reading.