Introduction: Rain Barrels

Making rain barrel systems was a blast. A few mistakes down the way, but all in all it came out to be a great addition to my yard. Took all the idea's I liked from other sites and combined them to make my own.

Step 1: Tools - Parts

This would have been a cheap project If I had all the right tools to begin with...

Step 2: Cut Some Holes

Note you will be flipping the barrels so the caps are on the bottom.

Step 3: Do Some Connections

Do some sealing. That PVC hardens fast so WHATCH OUT!!!

Step 4: Overflow

It fills up fast!!!

Step 5: Done

You can use any size roof. My roof is 20' by 7' and fills up extremely fast. Had the 1st heavy rain storm through and it was coming out the overflow in 20 mins...

Step 6: Another Addition

got a free barrel so I made a single unit for the front..

This one cost 11 bucks cause I had the gear...

The 1st one cost me around 100 bucks. Thats $40 for the 2 barrels. (could find them for free if you have patience) around $40 for tools and sealants.