Introduction: Random Mandala Generator for 3D Printing

About: I have been conducting Circuit Bending workshops and courses in various Museums, Galleries, Schools, Symposium, Salons, and Corporate Seminars, since 1999. I'm on staff at the Wanger Family Fab Lab at the Mus…

This project will create random mandalas. A mandala is a circular geometric design.


  1. A Computer.
  2. Downloaded and Installed OpenSCAD IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
  3. Roth Mobot's Random Mandala Generator code.
  4. Access to a 3D Printer, or a 3D Printing service.

Step 1: Launch OpenSCAD

Launch the software.

Step 2:

Open the Random Mandala Generator.scad file.

Step 3: Run Code and Generate a Mondala

The will generate some random numbers, assign them to variables, and use those to create geometric designs.

Click the Render button. It can take up to a minute to render a complex mandala. You may need to render a few mandalas until you find one you like.

Step 4: Export File for 3D Printing

Click the STL button and save the file where you can find it later.

Step 5: 3D Print It!

These mandala figures are great for jewelry, stenciling, hanging in windows, lamp shade parts, gifts etc. What will you do with yours? Upload a photo of your project!

Made with Math Contest

Participated in the
Made with Math Contest