Introduction: Rapid Fire Mouse
You ever wanted a rapid fire mouse? Well me either but a lot of gamers do.
When the red button is pressed on the side of the mouse it simultaneously grounds both the left and right mouse buttons at 50 times a second.
Just as if you could press both buttons at the same time 50 times a second, which you could not do.
This Instructable screams out for a video, but don't have. For now.
The original post of the Rapid fire mouse.
When the red button is pressed on the side of the mouse it simultaneously grounds both the left and right mouse buttons at 50 times a second.
Just as if you could press both buttons at the same time 50 times a second, which you could not do.
This Instructable screams out for a video, but don't have. For now.
The original post of the Rapid fire mouse.
Step 1: Schematic
I tried making this circuit with out transistors, Didn't work. So now we use transistors.
There is only 3 pins used plus VCC and GND.
Power and ground is taken right off of the USB connections at the mouse.
All three pins use a 1 meg pull down resistor.
PB2 is left mouse button. Pin 7
PB3 is right mouse button. Pin 2
PB4 is trigger button input. Pin 3
Pin 8 is ground.
Pin 4 in +5V.
There is only 3 pins used plus VCC and GND.
Power and ground is taken right off of the USB connections at the mouse.
All three pins use a 1 meg pull down resistor.
PB2 is left mouse button. Pin 7
PB3 is right mouse button. Pin 2
PB4 is trigger button input. Pin 3
Pin 8 is ground.
Pin 4 in +5V.
Step 2: Parts
Minimal parts are used.
1) ATtiny85
1) 8 pin IC socket.
1) Small piece of proto board.
1) Push button, NO
2) 2N2222 Transistors, EBC
3) 1 meg resistors
1) ATtiny85
1) 8 pin IC socket.
1) Small piece of proto board.
1) Push button, NO
2) 2N2222 Transistors, EBC
3) 1 meg resistors
Step 3: Assembly
Step 4: Push Button
Prepare the case. Drill a 9/32 hole for the push button.
Step 5: Code
Load this code with your favorite AVR programmer. I use WINAVR.
I have included the main.c and the make files in the rar download.
I used this Instructable to aid in programming.
#define F_CPU 1000000UL // frequency (20MHz)
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
void on(){
PORTB |= 1 << PB3; //led
PORTB |= 1 << PB2; //heater
void off(){
PORTB &= ~( 1 << PB3 );//led
PORTB &= ~( 1 << PB2 );//heater
void main() {
DDRB |= (1<<PB3)|(1<<PB2);
int ticks;
for (;;) { //FOREVER
while ((PINB & _BV(PB4))==0) {} // NOT PRESSED, DO NOTHING
for(ticks=0;ticks<125;ticks++) // CLICK FOR 5 seconds
} // CLICK TAKES 1/50'th second