Introduction: Raspberry Ice Pie W 3DPrinting
Raspberry Ice Pie (with 3D Printed Mold)
Needed :
Free software,
this instructable
A 3D printer or 3D Printing service
raspberry jam (we used fresh strawberries)
a spatel
a handmixer
a freezer
Step 1: Sketchup & Meshmixer
Download sketchup make.
Download Autodesk meshmixer.
Step 2: Download Your 3D Model
download "3d animation -blackberry, raspberry, rubus" from User "Rubus" on google's 3d warehouse by searching "raspberry"
Step 3: Export Stl From Sketchup
open the raspberry blabla.skp-file in sketchup, & download stl plugin from googles extention warehouse via "window" in the menu of your sketchup program. then afterwards,export as stl.
remebmer the folder, i usually, temporarily, make a new one on the desktop for all files related.
Step 4: Repair Stl @ Netfabb
repair this stl @
Step 5: download Vine Leaf
download vine leaf right by miodragd (but my repaired edition) @thingiverse
Step 6: Meshmix :)
open the repaired "raspberry" model in meshmixer
then click "import"
it will ask wether to "append" , "replace" or "cancel".
Choose "append" go to your repaired "vine leaf" stl, and click "open".
Meshmixer will ask wether or not to repair the new models larges faces. choose yes.
Now that the models are in meshmixer, you need to know how to navigate. Use youtube tutorials for better explanations then mine;
click and hold right mouse bttn = look around(move the camera)
pressing "c" centers the screen to the point of your cursor at that moment.
zoom with your mouse wheel scroller. Select with left mouse bttn.
Step 7: Objects Browser & Transform(move)
more knowledge is for later. lets go with this first. if you don't see a small window called "object browser", go to menu "Vieuw" and click "show object browser". you can see in that object browser your two imported models. ignore the magnet symbol behind your model name, click the eye on and off, just too see what it does. its handy for later.
Now resize your Vine Leaf until propper size by selecting it in your object browser and clicking on "edit" (left in window) wich makes a new menu appear. in that new menu, choose "transform".
Now, for each axes, you get a straight arrow, wich moves the model along that axes. and a bend colored piece, wich makes you tilt your model on that axes. just click, hold, and drag. @the end of the axes indicator there is a square appendix, wich is used too stretch the model on that axle.
@the center of the arrows, there is a small white box. click, hold and drag up or down to scale your model. test some, and ctrl-z ;)
These are the basic navigations you need too complete this instructable, for further guides, ask Google :)
Step 8: MeshMix Leaf & Berry
Scale your leaf(transform-white box), drag it into position(transform-arrows), rotate it till its cosy, and click accept. Now select that leaf in object browser, and Mirror it by clicking "edit" (left in window)and "mirror"
meshmixer will give you a plane to pull in order to define the mirroring point in relation to the original object. if u pull it far enough, a new , mirrored object will appear next to it.
also drag this mirrored leaf in place.(back too transform)
Step 9: Combine
now select all objects in your objects browser, and click "combine" in the new appearing, small window. your objecs are now one object.
Step 10: Plane Cut
Allmost there... Go to "edit" and choose "plane cut".
meshmixer will supply a plane wich you can move with the navigation arrows until they JUST touch the leaves you meshmixed onto the berry. Make the cut when your satisfied. do not select "no fill" when you click accept. both other options will do.
Step 11: Analasys
Go to "analasys" and select "flat fill"
then click "auto repair all"
*note: in 1 on 10 cases meshmixer just doesnt get your intentions :p,
keep trying, even if you have 2 ctrl-z until the plane-cut.
Step 12: Moldmaking Negative of Stl File.
Now your raspberry is ready for 3D Printing. But we want a mold ;) i know you looked high and low, so here it is;
(still in meshmixer)
first thing you need is a form wich can be used to hollow your model out(substract it off-make negative-etc)
i suggest you go to "meshmix"-"primitives" and "append" a cube.
now scale, stretch, and drag the cube on top of your raspberry for measuring,
stretch till the whole half :p raspberry fits in it,
then pull it out until it Nearly sticks out of the cube.
select one model at the time in the object browser,
go to "edit" and select make solid one by one.
for your imported raspberry , select "accurate" in the drop-down menu, and play with the rest until you are happy with the vieuw.
then accept.
for the cube, do the same, but use standard values, and accept.
select your Raspberry(solid) in the object browser, press and hold ctrl, and then select your cube(solid)
you can unvieuw the meshes by clicking the "eye" icon next to your model names in the object browser for more clarity.
now choose"edit" and then "boolean diffrence"
if the wrong side appears, ctrl-z, & try changing the sequence of selecting Solids (first raspberry, then box)
if the result aint wanted, ctrl z, or click "decline" and "transform" your cube or rasberry up and down until it works,
if it still doesnt fly, try rotating the raspberry diagonally in the box. like in the pic.
Here is your mold :)
you can now "cut planes" again, or use the hollow tool(recommended) to reduce material use in printing.
remember: "analyze" and "fix all"
And before exporting, we are going to "reduce" the number of faces by going via "select", selecting any part in the model by clicking on the model and going via "edit"in the newly appeared menu, too "reduce" in this case, you want to select "triangle budget", research the rest ;) keep the second drop-down-menu on "shape preserving" and click the "tri count" slider back until one fourth (1/4) of the slider. make sure "preserve boundries" is checked and accept. your filesize just went from +/-80.000kb to +/-7.000kb,
wich is about the max filesize you can comfortably load on a windows pc running repetier with less then 4GB Ram memory
now click "export" (left)
3D Print the mold, preferably in someting flexible , something hard wont work because of the raspberries form, the model will not come out of a PLA or ABS hard material form. just the way it is with the raspberry i made.
you could "remesh" the raspberry before the "boolean diffrence" to smoothen the surface and fix this.
i wont, my girl just asked me if she had to "buzz like a pc too" in order for me too come to bed...
Step 13: 3D Print Flexible Mold
Print the model, or have it printed online or locally via 3D hubs or your local 3D printing store,
I used Recreus Filaflex, wich had been fine, if i had taken the make-hollow-w-meshmixer-option and printing with support, instead of the full mold. ;) learn from my mistakes, even flexible material can be pretty massive. not something you want when the food needs too come back out of the mold ;)
the mold itself is free for download and personal use on thingiverse;
Step 14: 'make' Icecream
take 1L icecream (homemade or run 2 the store)
take 300gr raspberry jam (we used fresh strawberries... i was in the mood for strawberry, what can i say..)
take 3 kiwi's and squach them,
mix(spatel/handmixer) jam with the 1/5L icecream (throw some chunked chocolate in between)
mix(spatel/handmixer) kiwijuice with 1/5L icecream
leave the icream in the freezer until everything is prepared
Step 15: Aquiring Chocolate
You can have a chocolate covered icecake.
Unfortunately, Our heavy mold cracked the chocolade. we used the chunks as the leaves ;)
But you can do better ;)
find some dark belgian chocolate nrs between 501-511. preferably pellets.
Step 16: Prep 4 Chocolate
Not every kitchen is equipped for working with chocolate.
sticking knife
palette knife
inox bowl
marmer or inox flat surface (other surfaces are too rough and house too many bacteria)
fork if you wanna dip & cover things ;)
Step 17: Working the Chocolate
In chocolate there are 4 diffrent kinds of cristals, like sugarcristals.
and each of those four types of cristals melts at a diffrent temperature.
this gives chocolate a melting curve instead of a melting point.
by melting, cooling, and warming it a tiny bit back up, you get that hard, cracking chocolate, wich shines when molded.
The trick is melting the chocolate, about 20-25cm above the lowest fire you have.
not on!!! 20-25cm above!
just move the inox bowl around, and make sure it doesn burn, wich happens fast!
It needs too melt veeeery slowly ;).
Some people opt for the au-bain-marie-method. But i guarantee, that if the steam reaches the chocolate, you have chocopasta. No need for nutella the coming weeks...
Now. You want those cute cristals too form.
They do that when the chocolate cools of fast, like on a cold, marmer table.
So just poor the melted, nice liquid chocolate on the marmer and do as i did in the video.
scraping the choc off the marmer gathers your cristals...
check with your finger. if the chocolate feels cold, its time.
He's ready to be melted by for just a couple sec, no longer then 7sec.
stir the chocolate good, go well along the edges while stirring.
Now your chocolate is ready to be:
-mixed under icecream
-poured into 3D Printed molds
-cover nearly a-ny-thing you want , like the leftover strawberries, your gf, ... ;)
In case you partner and you didnt use up all the chocolate,
Painting the molds With chocolate before you pour chocolate into them,
makes sure you dont have little bubbles in the details of your mold.
A bit of vibration after pouring is usually also done too loosen up airbubbles.
putting the molds in the cooler for 20-30 minutes should shrink the chocolate out of the mold.
Step 18: Finalizing
Wether you went through the 'chocolate trouble' or not,
after filling the mold with your custom icecreams, you better put the icecake in the freezer for another hour or two.
Step 19: Enjoy Your Labour
2hours later, and some struggle with our solid mold: tadaa.
take a pic,
and Enjoy.
Step 20: Leftovers Clean Themselves
Don't worry about the leftover icecream... it will dissapear fast enough.....
A special thanks too my parents for the use of their marmer tabletop, bigger kitchen, and patience with my... endeavours ;)