Introduction: Raspberry Pi Based Touch Free Automatic Hand Wash System for Covid-19
It is a simple hand wash system using pir sensors and a Raspberry pi board. This application is mainly designed for hygienic purpose. The model can be placed in public places, hospitals, malls etc.
Step 1: Components Requrired
- Raspberry pi 3 Model B+ with raspbian Buster installed
- 4 channel 12V Relay module
- Two 12V pump
- Two PIR sensor - 2
- DC-DC 12v to 5v Converter
- Jumper Wires
- 12V Power supply
Step 2: Hardware Setup
Two Water pumps are used.
One pump fetches hand washing liquid and other pump fetches water from the tank. Two tubes are attached to the water pump motor. One tube fetches from the tank and other tubes flows the fetched liquid out.
These pumps are controlled by raspberry pi through a 12V 4 channel relay. This relay is powered through JD-Vcc by a 12V power supply. The jumper cap is removed from the relay module.
To sense our hand we have setup 2 passive IR sensors. Once the PIR senses our hands, the pump flows the hand washing liquid or the water.