Introduction: Raspberry Pi - Smart House

The Raspberry Pi Smart House Project is equipped with many different feature that allows the user to be able to track their house from anywhere (with Internet, of course!) on any computer/mobile devices.

The features of Smart House allows the user the ability to track, view and/or receive the temperature, humidity and light values of the house where their Raspberry Pi is situated at. Users are then able to view all these data from the the server of the Raspberry Pi and on Blynk, as well as on Telegram through the Smart House Bot ( Equipped with a smart door system, which allows the users to register their RFID Card, when a person with an unregistered RFID Card places it on the RFID Scanner, the Raspberry Pi will triggers the PiCam, taking picture of the place of the door upon the unauthorized access attempt.

Users may also snap a picture on either of the mobile applications (Blynk/Telegram) and view it on S3, an Amazon Web Service for Object Storage, or view it on Telegram through the Smart House Bot.

Step 1: Hardware Requirements

Single/One Component Needed:

  1. Single Board Computer Raspberry Pi
  2. DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  3. COM-00097 Mini Push Button Switch
  4. Analog-to-Digital Converter (MCP3008 ADC)
  5. Light-Dependant Resistor (LDR)
  6. RFID/NFC MFRC522 Card Reader Module
  7. 12C LCD Screen
  8. LED lights
  9. Resistors (10kΩ and 220/330Ω)

Double/Two Components Needed:
1. LED Light
2. 10KΩ Resistors
3. 220/330Ω Resistors

Step 2: Setting Up Your Database



  1. id
  2. datetime
  3. rfidCardNo

Storing this information to know which user has return home.


  1. id
  2. datetime_value
  3. light_value

Storing this information to get the light value from the light sensor @ the Living Room Page.


  1. user_id
  2. username
  3. password
  4. rfidCardNo

Storing this information to know which card number is the user holding on to.


  1. value_id
  2. datetime
  3. lightVal
  4. tempVal
  5. humidityVal

Storing this information to get the light, temperature, humidity value from the light, DHT11 @ the Master Bedroom Page, Telegram Bot and Blynk app.



  1. deviceid
  2. datetimeid
  3. lightVal
  4. tempVal
  5. humidityVal

Storing this information to get the light, temperature, humidity value from the light, DHT11 @ the Kitchen Page.


  • Bucket – iot-ay1819s2
  • Folder – Home -> 1819s2_iot_SmartHouse
  • Sub-Folder

• blynkpictures • userpictures

Step 3: How the Web Page Looks Like

Step 4: Codes

Step 5: HTML Files