Introduction: Raspberry Pi Wifi Walkthrough - 3DPrinterOS

About: 3D Printing Operating System. 3DPrinterOS is the only platform that gives users the ability to search or upload 3d printable content, quickly and easily repair designs, customize settings, slice in the cloud a…

These instructions are for setting up your Raspberry Pi and Wifi to work with your 3D printer in 3DPrinterOS. Prior to following these steps, you should have already requested a Pi image, downloaded and flashed the Pi image to Pi and have everything plugged in and turned on.

Step 1: Connect to the 3DPrinterOS Hotspot

Step 2: Open a Browser Window and Navigate To: Http://

Step 3: Enter Your Credentials That Came With Your Pi Image

A dialog box will pop up saying “Authentication Required”

Here you will enter:

User Name: pi
Password: *Password from received email*

Step 4: Select the Network You Want to Connect to and Click Connect

Step 5: Enter the Selected Networks Wireless Password

Step 6: Give It a Moment to Connect and Now Your Raspberry Pi Is Set Up Via Wifi to Your Network!

Step 7: Disconnect From 3DPrinterOS Hotspot, Connect Back to Your Home Network

Step 8: Go to the Printers Tab in Your 3DPrinterOS Account

Step 9: Click the Settings Button and Choose Your Printer Type

Step 10: Your Printer and Raspberry Pi With Wifi Are Now Ready to Go!