Introduction: Raspberry Pi and Telegram Based Simple Home Automation
This is very easy project...
if you doing what i show you then it's complete in about 40-60min..
let's start !!!
Step 1: Things You Need
1) Raspberry Pi
2) Smartphone (Android/Ios/Windows)
3) Raspberry Pi Accessories
Keyboard,Mouse,Power (charger/Powerbank)
Step 2: Install Telegram and Create BOT !
search bot father and type /start
type /newbot
after you receive message from bot father and you have to create your bot username
bot father send you token
this token is unique so it helps you when you work on later !
Step 3: Install Putty !
open terminal
1 sudo apt-get install putty
2 After installed you have to click option RUN
3 search puuty and click
4 here open window and type your username/hostname
(The default user is pi , and thepassword is raspberry)
if you change and don't know then open terminal and type
sudo raspi-config
here you change your password,username and etc...
5) after complete task 4... one terminal open on your screen.
6) type username and password.
7) sudo apt-get install python-pip
8) sudo pip install telepot
Step 4: Code in Python
minimize all windows and open file manager and open Telegram Bot folder
you see two files
now open 2nd no file and you see "bot token" in python code
now enter your bot token number and save this file !
Step 5: Last Step
Open terminal Window
1) cd TelegramBot/
2) python
and now it works !
here is code !
if you not see any just download my code and place to TelegramBot Folder !
if you face any problems then comment !
thank you guys