Introduction: "Real World"Light

The whole thing is made by LED iron powder magnetic and the chemistry bottle.Means the world is the science without magic. Inside of the have ground and sky.The changes light menas the bright human civilization and also means the chemical change. But on the others hand. It can pronounce the universe we lived and that means it have the great beyond out of this world. Maybe we just the experiment of the god. So I named it 'Real World'

Step 1: Make the Base

Glue the two kinds of world together

Step 2: Make the Base

Sand it to the shape I wanted. And use the 220 sandpaper to sand it again.

Step 3: Make Base

Dig the big hole.

Step 4: Polish

Use the wooden finish and the wax.

Step 5: Inside of Light

Put the iorn powder in to the light and cut the LED.

Step 6: The Cap

Make the cap and make a hole to let the wires pass it.

Step 7: Final

Put the magnic on and turn it on.