Introduction: Rear Derailleur Protector

About: born n raised 765 Indiana. lived in FL 2 years. 5 years of medical school. current ivytech student. went to Rasmussen Ft. Myers FL campus. insomnia. into everything and any craft i can make at all lol

Rear Derailleur Protector

Step 1: Find Kids Bike Screw on Peg.

If it don't fit tap it out

Step 2: Cut Down for Weight

cut off and even cover it with holes with a drill for weight if want, Then paint to your color scheme.

Step 3: Put It on Bike

put it on your bike, and have probably last derailleur protector you'll ever see.mines worked every wipeout for months....

Step 4: Hit the Trails

Wear a helmet, don't be a donut, and good hack convo piece.