Introduction: Reclaimed Chapstick
Hi folks, if your like me and can't live without chapstick then you know that when it gets to the bottom you have to scrape out the stuff with your finger to get at the rest of it. If not a good portion of it goes to waste. Well I got tired of spending a $1.50 just to throw away a half inch or so of it! In this (my first Instructable) I'll show you how to take 2 or 3 near empty tubes of chapstick and make a whole new tube! Waste not want not right?
Step 1: Materials Needed
For this Instructable you need: near empty tubes of chapstick, a small cup (microwavable), something to scrap out the tubes (I used a metal nail file) and your microwave.
Step 2: Scrap Out Tubes
Next you take your half emptys and scrap them out with your nail file. Try to get out as much as you can.
Step 3: Into the Cup You Go
Put all the chapstick you scrapped into the microwavable container.
Step 4: I'm Melting, Melting, Melting!
Place container into microwave and set for about 20 to 30 seconds. All microwaves are different so you want to keep an eye on it. Most of the chapstick should be liquid now. If not just give it a stir, some small lumps are fine.
Step 5: Pour It In
Lower the inner part of the tube by twisting it down and pour your chapstick liquid into your tube. If it starts to solidify its ok just scrap out the rest with a clean finger and put it into the tube. Make sure to replace the cap on the tube.
Step 6: Almost There
By now it should already begin to turn solid, see picture.
Step 7: Ahhh Nice Soft Lips Again ;)
Now place your tube into the freezer to make sure it becomes completely solid. Half a minute should do it. When its done Ta da you have just saved yourself a trip to the store for more chapstick and some money! If you want to be really green save the tubes, there are Instructables I'm sure where you can make homemade chapstick!