Introduction: Record Bowl

Ah... to do with records that no longer play. These record bowls are fun, and relatively functional, although they aren't waterproof.

Step 1: Assemble Your Ingredients

Step 1. Assemble Your Ingredients
A record or 7
An oven
An oven safe circular pan
A big bowl
A cookie Sheet
Optional– Felt

Step 2: Getting Started

Step 2. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F. Assemble your record sandwich.

Pop it into the oven for seven minutes, or
until the record edges start to get droopy.

Step 3: Finishing

If your record hardens before you’re done shaping it, pop it back into the oven for a few minutes.

When you are satisfied with it’s shape, allow it to sit in the bowl for a few minutes until it is stiff. You can then pop it out of the mold.

If you’d like, cut a circle of felt and hot glue it to the bottom of the record so it doesn’t slip.

Voila! A record bowl! Congratulations!