Introduction: Recyclable DIY Flower!

About: Hi there! I love to make super easy and simple DIY projects that anyone can make. I tend to use everyday, recyclable home supplies that nearly everybody has. I hope you enjoy my ideas and I hope you try them o…

Create this super easy, less than 5-minute flower! This is great for recycling and reusing. There are only a few materials and is great for gifts. You can hang it on your wall as decoration, or even put it in a card. This is also great to make at parties, or social events. I hope you have fun making this and please be free to comment and ask questions if you have any. I love feedback! Thank you!

Step 1: Materials

  • One Cardboard from a Roll of Tissues or Toilet Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Optional: Paint or spray paint

Step 2: Cutting and Painting (Optional)

During this step, you will cut your cardboard into strips for the "petals". If you have paint or spray paint, you can paint your roll before you start the cutting.

Step 3: Time to Put It All Together

In this final step, you will start to glue the "petals" together, like the pictures shown above.

Step 4: You're Done!

Congratulations! You completed this DIY. If you have extra "petals", you can add leaves or even create another flower!